Tuesday, March 17, 2020

OT/Physio Exercises -GH

Tuesday,  3 March 2020

This morning I went for regular Occupation Therapy continue by Physio Therapy. When I went into OT (room 1), I was the only one, though there were few other patients' who went in together with. They were guided to another room. I was the only person sitting and doing my exercise. The Malay lady therapy, Cik Muzi was in charge and helping me with my hand exercises. It was quite bored today, but there few male staff having a discussion about their work.

I continue my hand exercises. I did 2 exercises today, even that I felt slightly tired. I finished and I pushed myself out from room 1 and pushed to the front counter where mum was waiting. She was talking to a lady while waiting for me. I called her and she wheeled me to physio, which was another side of the department.

When mum wheeled me inside physio the front counter and I put my card there. I was given a number and I was immediately called inside. I felt happy that I didn't have to wait.

Today, was my first my Malay male therapy, En. Mat hole me to walk on the bard. It was since last year, I last walked on the bar. I felt really happy he made me walk and I did a few other hand and leg exercises.
When I did my leg cycling exercise, suddenly I started coughing non-stop, 
I kept my mouth close yet the sound came out loudly. I'm afraid what nearby patients' will say about me. It's embarrassing that I can't stop coughing as now it's the Coronavirus epidemic  

Mr. Mat, my therapy ask me "why your cough is so bad", but I answer him softly "that I'm taking medication"

After finished my exercises, I took my appointment card and pushed myself out from there. Mum was waiting outside for me to push me back

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