Sunday, April 25, 2021

Dream 2- Family Life


Wednesday 30 Mac 2021

This may be a crazy dream but I wish to have a child or adopt a child. Seeing many of my age disabled friends have children of their own and have a family. Their kids’ can help them in their daily things. When I went shopping, seeing couples/family with their baby or children, in my heart I wish so much a family life.   

I especially love baby girls, I wished so much I can have a child of my own. Severe years ago for my curiosity, I asked my Neuro doctor if I can have a child, they told me, due to my spasm medication which I'm taking, it's not advisable to a child. I wasn't a disappointment as I guess this myself.

One day, I also went to the welfare office and asked the staff whether a single parent can adopt a child. They told me it's very little chance, as they will accept more for married couples. When I heard this, I felt really sad. Before this I know there would be a lot of procedeer and it would be more difficult for a single disabled to adopt a child.

I yearn to have a family life like my friends, but this will come to reality. This is not God's will for me. I can say the feeling, what I dream and wish for is not God’s will

God, What Are You Doing In My Life?

Tuesday, 2 May 2022 I'm lying on my bed now thinking of my life. What is God doing in my life? I really cannot understand. I keep thin...