Monday, June 15, 2020

Met an angel

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Today is the first day of Physio after the MCO, the last time I went was 3 months ago. I'm really happy that I can start exercises again.

Janice drop me alone in the main lobby (we don't allow mum to follow me due to the Covid)

Since the last week, I don't have much strength. I asked God to give me the strength to push myself to the Physio Dept.

From the lobby, I slowly pushed myself to Physio. When entering the reception area, I saw some changes as there's a divider in the middle to go in out.

Many people waiting in the reception area all with face masks. Each of us has to register and take our temperature. I waited around 20mins before my no was called. I pushed myself inside and I saw many changes. All the staff tables were far apart and the equipment was moved to another side. 

I didn't see En. Mat, my regular therapy, instead a Malay lady called me. I thought of a change of therapy again, but she told me he was on leave. She took his place. I did two of my regular exercises. There were only a few patients doing their exercises.

After my hands exercise, I took my appointment date and left Physio Dept.  
I asked God to give strength to push myself to OT Dept. as it was quite far.  As I pushed myself halfway, to my surprised, a hospital male staff came to push me. He asked me where am I going, and he pushed me until outside OT Dept. 

OT reception area has only a few patients. Without waiting I was given a number and I went to the therapy room. My regular therapies weren't in, instead, a Chinese lady therapy attended to me. She gave me a few hand activities to do. 

Janice fetched around  1 pm. I was happy I managed to do my exercises 

Dear God thank you for sending an angel to help in time of difficulties.

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